Welcome to our Blog!
Posted on 2nd September 2021 at 12:20
A bit of background about Allwell Care, our food bank, & Client of the Month
Welcome to Allwell’s Blog!
A Bit About Us
Allwell Care Company launched in 2017 and was the dream of Jan, our CEO. Since then, we’ve been growing to provide care to our clients in Ipswich, Chelmondiston, Shotley, and surrounding areas thanks to our dedicated team of carers.
In 2020 we branched out to launch Allwell’s Food Bank in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This was primarily for our clients as we noticed some were struggling to access food, toiletries, and other basic essentials. We soon opened it up to the rest of the community and we continue to run it for anyone in need.
Client of the Month
As of this month, September 2021, we’ve launched ‘Client of the Month’ where we select one of our clients and offer them the chance to do something a little extra. This includes:
• Going out with one of us
• Having their nails painted and a pamper
• Some time to simply sit and have a cup of tea and a chat with us
• Have a home-cooked meal
• Visit to the hairdressers
• Any anything else in between!
We will always try to accommodate any requests, as long as we can safely do them.
We’ll be using this blog going forward to regularly provide updates and share news about the company, our food bank, the care industry in general, and everything in between.
Tagged as: Client of the Month
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